Book Chapters Published
- Probabilistic Physics of Failure, in Advances in Performability Engineering, Professor Krishna Misra (Ed.), (In Print, 2020).
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, in Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Professor Ehud Greenspan & Dr. Joy Rempe (Eds.), Elsevier, (In Print, 2020).
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
- Small Crack Fatigue Growth and Detection Modeling with Uncertainty Analysis and Acoustic Emission Application, in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting: Selected Contributions from the ITISE Conference, Editors: Rojas, Ignacio, Pomares, Héctor (Eds.), 2017.
- Methods of Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Analysis, Handbook of Nuclear Engineering, Springer, London (2010).
- Examples and Applications of Probabilistic Risk Assessment, M. Modarres and M. Azarkhail, Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, Brian Everitt & Ed Melnick (Eds.), Wyle (Nov. 2008).
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, M. Modarres, Handbook of Performability Engineering, Krishna Misra, Ed., Springer London, (2008).
- Reliability Engineering, M. Modarres, and F. Joglar, Book Chapter in SPFE Handbook of Fire Protection, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Third Edition, 2001.
- Interdisciplinary Approach to Developing a Probabilistic Risk Analysis Model: Applications to a Beef Slaughterhouse Tanya Roberts, Clare Narrod, Scott Malcolm, and Mohammad Modarres, Book Chapter in Interdisciplinary Food Safety Research (N. H. Hooker and E. A. Murano, eds.), CRC Press, FL, 2000.
- Logic-Based Hierarchies for Modeling Behaviors of Complex Dynamic Systems with Applications, Y.-S. Hu and M. Modarres, Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing in Nuclear Engineering, M. Modarres, Da Ruan ed., Springer-Verlage, 1999.
- Reliability Engineering, M. Modarres and H-Y. Hu, Book Chapter in SPFE Handbook of Fire Protection, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Second Edition, 1995.
Encyclopedia Chapters Published
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, M. Modarres, Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, Wiley and Sons (2008).
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment, M. Modarres, Chapter in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1st Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1999.